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(时间:2019/7/10 11:38:48)
      从简单的模型结合灯光的形式,到模型与声光电结合,再到全投影形式、与触控相结合的形式等,数字沙盘模型形式也在不断升级。数字沙盘模型有展示内容广、设计手法新颖、展示手段先进、科技含量最高等特点。与传统沙盘模型仅靠参观者的观看与听讲解员解说的枯燥不同,数字沙盘模型最大的优点是可以把需要展示的内容直接“讲”给参观者听,而且通过视觉与听觉的结合,实现信息的整合与综合传递,让信息的传递效率更高。同时,智能化的数字沙盘模型可以让参观者与沙盘之间的互动与查询更加便利 。
Digital sand table models are mainly classified as projection sand table, multimedia sand table, virtual digital sand table, planning sand table and military simulation sand table.
With the continuous improvement of people's aesthetic level, the perception and requirement of visual effects have been greatly improved, as has the exhibition project. Taking the sand table items commonly used in exhibitions as an example, the traditional single sand table model has gradually faded out of people's vision, replaced by the digital sand table model with better comprehensive effect and more information content. What on earth can be called a digital sand table model?
From the simple model combined with the form of light, to the model combined with acousto-optic, to the full projection, and touch control, the form of digital sand table model is also constantly upgrading. Digital sand table model has the characteristics of wide display content, novel design method, advanced display means and the highest scientific and technological content. Unlike the traditional sand table model, which relies only on the viewing of visitors and the boredom of listening to the commentator, the greatest advantage of digital sand table model is that it can directly "tell" the content to be displayed to the visitors, and through the combination of vision and hearing, realize the integration and comprehensive transmission of information, so as to make the transmission of information more efficient. At the same time, intelligent digital sand table model can make the interaction and query between visitors and sand table more convenient.
Digital sand table model can meet the personalized needs of more customers, and update faster. The characteristics of digital sand table model are as follows:
1. The exhibition is extensive. Digital sand table model can fully reflect the characteristics of content display by simple and clear method.
2. Excellent design techniques. The whole exhibition process is innovative, not only on the traditional exhibition board, but also on the basis of fully reflecting the interaction of the achievements of modern high-tech. It has not only the largest domestic model with magnificent scenes, but also dozens of small models with exquisite and vertical layout.
3. Advanced display means. By using a large number of modern science and technology display techniques, gathering the great achievements of modern visual effects such as sound, light, electricity, interactive projects, three-dimensional animation, film and television, combining interesting, interactive and knowledgeable, the interactive revolution with the audience has been realized.
4. The content of science and technology is the highest. The digital sand table model has a central control system, including the overall control. The strong and weak electric systems such as lighting, lighting, computer, television, operation desk and air conditioning in the hall run automatically according to the pre-programmed operation procedures. From power on to power off, there is no need for artificial control and automatic operation.
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