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(时间:2019/7/12 11:23:48)
        在整体设计上除了大面积的城市整体多媒体电子沙盘展示技术外,还辅助的可以设置智能电子签名、多媒体电子翻书系统、互动投影系统等,借助多元化的展示手段从整体到细节,从全局到节点,从过去到现代共同展现了城乡规划蓝图和各项规划成果。智能化互动性的展示场景不仅仅能让上级参观领导更加了解地区的发展规划和未来蓝本而且也能让城市居民在互动沙盘上感受着城市美好的未来,这对提升城市形象和升级居民的归属感和自豪感都能起到良好的促作用。Planning sand table model becomes an indispensable exhibition tool for planning exhibition halls
With the development of the city, the city planning exhibition hall has played a decisive role in the development of urbanization. Hangzhou Model Company concentrates on the design of the city planning exhibition hall.
The basic organization of a planning sand table model can be roughly divided into historical traceability, urban humanistic charm, urban reality prosperity, urban vision blueprint and several major sections. Virtual phantom imaging technology provides the possibility of virtual and real interaction for recalling the past glory. Through phantom imaging technology, the complexity of that year can be reproduced. The glorious scene, with the help of historical materials through two-dimensional to three-dimensional visual conversion, three-dimensional vivid restore the moving fragments of history, so that visitors can see the turbulence of the past with a more realistic and concrete vision, and interactive multimedia electronic sandbox technology provides a more colorful and exciting blueprint for the city planning. With the creation of interactive technology and light and shadow art, the future blueprint of a city can be vividly displayed in people's eyes. The digital sand table adopts advanced multimedia technology, and on the overall digital sand table of hundreds of square meters, it will make urban development strategy, development goals, planning process and the city area. With the help of interactive projection, large screen fusion technology and other modern means of multimedia display, urban system planning can be seen in a comprehensive way. Concentration, refinement, vivid image and intelligent interaction are conveying the changes of years and image upgrading of urban development. In a word, multi-media interactive technology provides visualization, diversification, three-dimensional and intellectualized display level for urban cultural characteristics, urban essence and development achievements.
In the overall design, besides the large area of the whole city multimedia electronic sandbox display technology, it can also be assisted by setting up intelligent electronic signature, multimedia electronic book-turning system, interactive projection system, etc. With the help of diversified display means, from the whole to the details, from the whole to the nodes, from the past to the modern, the urban and rural areas can be displayed together. Planning blueprint and planning results. Intelligent and interactive display scenes can not only make the superior visiting leaders understand the development plan and future blueprint of the region better, but also make the urban residents feel the bright future of the city on the interactive sand table, which can play a good role in promoting the image of the city and upgrading the sense of belonging and pride of the residents.
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