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(时间:2019/11/20 10:56:47)
We need to pay more attention to the details before making the sand table model, otherwise we will not get the effect. Today, Hangzhou Jingwen construction sand table model company will analyze the details for us!
I. primary and secondary stratification criteria of lights:
The lighting equipment should be based on the characteristics of the scene. The building and waterscape lights in the residential area should be warm as much as possible, and the background of evergreen trees should be cold light source; street lights and garden lights should be arranged in a regular way in the daytime. The project should be as colorful and hierarchical as possible to set off the whole environment. It needs to be emphasized that the mastery of degree is very important, and it is forbidden to be bright everywhere, which results in some parts around taking the glory of the theme instead. Matching is matching. The protagonist is the protagonist naturally. Without choice, there is no point and no successful model.
II. The architectural framework is established according to the architectural drawings:
According to the fixed share, the walls of each facade are made by hand or computer engraving machine and then spliced. The selection of color and texture is the key. And real exterior wall decoration materials. Model dominates turbid model, which is an independent knowledge. Rebirth is the right art form. Sometimes, the facade color of the model looks different from that of the imagination, but the balcony window on the model is much better. Putting the model on the chassis and using green plants for deployment are the artistic techniques of lightening and weakening in the art of building sand table model manufacturing.
III. The principle of elegant setting off:
Pankou refers to the packaging part of the final closure, frame, bottom platform, glass cover, etc. of the construction sand table model. The closing of case name, scale, sign, etc. must be proper. There is no fixed form for frame, bottom platform, glass cover, etc. the key is the size of the model, the height of the building, the color, the style of beautification, and the factors of the place, etc., which is suitable for harmony, beauty and generosity.
IV. suitability criteria of environmental landscape:
For the part of environmental landscape, it is also based on the design. But in the embodiment of tree species and the color of flowers and grasses, we should master it well. The embodiment of tree species is mainly the acceptability, and the color of flowers and grasses focuses on the beauty. For example, the garden in practice may be full of flowers of various colors, with intense color contrast, such as red, yellow, green, blue, etc., but the real reflection in the model will appear very messy, but not beautiful, not real. Therefore, the problem of image and non image of the scene in the actual scene and the building sand table model is a kind of opposite and consistent. At the extreme, the image is not like, and the image is not like. The center of it is to catch a word of "God" to accurately reflect the style characteristics and purpose of environmental beautification.
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