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(时间:2019/12/16 15:11:09)
With the development of reform and opening up and economy, the construction of cities and regions has been continuously improved. Especially in recent years, the production of construction sand table model has gradually developed into an industry and technology, playing an important role in urban planning, city appearance construction, resource development, and various project construction and other fields. Then, what are the design principles and requirements of the sand table model? Hangzhou Jingwen model company will decompose one by one for you.
I. correct use of data and reasonable proportion of sand table model
According to the regional scope and geographical characteristics of the building sand table model, the horizontal and vertical scales of the building sand table model are reasonably determined; according to the net area and regional content of the plate body, the production scheme is determined. The principle of data utilization is: using the latest surveying and mapping results, requiring new content and strong reality, so as to achieve the advanced and long-term use of building sand table model. The basic data can use topographic map of the same scale, and the supplementary data can use map data of different scales, satellite aerial photography, planning and construction drawings, general drawings, building plans or elevations, renderings, and field scenery photos.
II. Building sand table model correctly and reasonably deals with the relationship between various elements
1. The relationship among mountains, water systems and traffic in the terrain elements of the building sand table model should be compatible, reasonable and natural, and the color relationship should be coordinated, so as to vividly reflect the natural landscape on the ground.
2. The residential area of building sand table model is treated as: buildings, streets and blocks expressed in proportion, block blocks in proportion, and point residential area not in scale. Different representation methods can be selected according to different scales, grades and importance of residential areas, and the representation methods can be determined according to the purposes and requirements.
3. The construction sand table model uses exaggeration to represent the green area in the model and enhance the overall performance effect. At present, the construction of urban environment tends to international standardization, and the greening environment has become an important part of urban construction. In the treatment of the park, both sides of the road, urban open space, street trees and other elements, the greening area should be exaggerated; in the vertical landscape, the retaining wall should be minimized, and the slope greening should be used to make up for it, so as to highlight the overall greening performance effect.
III. making construction plan and reasonably arranging construction steps for the construction sand table model
1. Preliminary preparations for building sand table model. Including the preparation of materials, tools, materials and technicians, as well as the technical processing of materials and the production of chassis.
2. The sand table model is used to arrange the main work in the construction stage. It includes the treatment and correction of chassis, the establishment of terrain elements, the production of thematic elements and the installation of circuit system, the interior decoration of the panel and the connection of elements among the sub panel bodies, the design and production of outer packaging, etc. Arrange the construction period reasonably according to the sequence of working procedures and the amount of work.
3. The overall assembly and commissioning of the building sand table model. It is required that all parts shall be assembled accurately, the overall effect shall be consistent, the sound, light and electric display shall be synchronous, and the control shall be fault free. As you can imagine, reasonable color matching not only makes the model beautiful as a whole, but also makes the model more scientific and plays the role of finishing point.
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