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(时间:2019/12/27 10:41:15)
The exquisite sand table model of the sales building is indispensable for the rendering of the light. The design and production of the light is an important part of the production of the sand table model of the sales building. However, the lighting of the sand table model of the building for sale cannot be short of the making of the circuit. Then, how to make the lighting and the circuit of the sand table model of the building for sale? Hangzhou Jingwen model company's small editor will give you a detailed introduction!
1、 Production of sand table model lighting for sales Building:
The lighting of the sand table model of the sales building mainly includes the lighting in the building, environment lighting, courtyard lighting, street lighting, etc. Generally speaking, the building is equipped with lights of different brightness and colors, and different functional buildings are divided into light zones. The building is lighted in layers; the garden lamp adopts the ornamental lamp with beautiful appearance and high brightness, which can be magnified appropriately considering the ornamental nature; the main road shall be selected for the street lamp, and the bright street lamps shall be set on both sides of the road; the environment lamp shall be embedded with high brightness color ground lamp in the green cluster and flower pool.
2、 Making of sand table model circuit for sales Building:
The light in the sand table model of sales building comes from electric energy.  There are many kinds of power sources, including batteries, batteries and solar cells. The specific power selection should be based on the specific situation of the model. Generally speaking, the lights in the sand table model making of the sales building are controlled by the remote control device. Each remote control key on the remote control controls a specific light area, such as: key 1 controls the building lights, key 2 controls the ground lights, etc.
The above is about how to make the lighting and circuit of the sand table model of the building for sale. The lighting design needs to rely on the power circuit. When making the sand table model of the building for sale, the holes for installing the power line should also be reserved. Generally, the transformer or battery and other equipment are placed inside the chassis, which is more beautiful and generous. Therefore, it is necessary to weld the holes connecting the power supply and the lamps on the site with the electric welding machine.
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