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(时间:2020/3/6 11:08:12)
1.  全球领先高精度山体地理沙盘模型制作技术
2. 高精度、高还原度、真彩色
3. 真实还原地球表面地貌、植被覆盖、城市建筑等
4. 可定制各种标注、线路、满足客户差异化需求
5. 适合制作大区域、大幅面、复杂信息的沙盘模型。
1. 国土资源测绘:国土资源综合整治规划、土地测绘、规划土地利用、土地利用现状调查及土地动态变化监测、土地覆盖信息及分析、土地开发与管理
2. 城市规划建设:城市(乡)规划建设及变化监测、城市扩张监测、区域发展
3. 交通建设:公路规划与管理、水道、航道、铁道的路线规划与展示
4. 军事应用:快速制作各类型高精度军事沙盘,范围覆盖全球任意国家,可根据需要添加等高线、制高点、水系、道路等
5. 展馆展示:在博物馆(考古文物研究)、科技馆、陈列馆、展览馆、企业馆、根据不同的需要设计制作各种历史场景、古文物还原、星云星系新兴科技产品的高仿真沙盘模型
6. 教育模型:世界,中国地形地貌沙盘以及常见地貌真彩色立体模型:丹霞、喀斯特、海岸、海底等地理教学装备
Mountain geography sandbox model refers to the use of the world's leading high-precision mountain geography sandbox model making technology, which seamlessly connects with satellite remote sensing data (satellite image maps, topographic maps, and real-world maps) to collect real three-dimensional geographic information data. Carving and three-dimensional inkjet technology display the topographic features in a scaled-down manner, and simulate the information of mountains, water, roads, and vegetation in real-time. DEM data accuracy is 30M. The image data accuracy is 0.5M, and the model matching accuracy is 1mm. (Recommended reading: Hangzhou Jingwen Model Company)
two. Can only satellite data make mountain geography sand table models? In addition to satellite data, it is also possible to make small-scale high-precision mountain geography sand table models through tilt photography and aerial photography.
three. Features of mountain geography sand table model.
1. The world's leading high-precision mountain geography sand table model making technology
2. High precision, high reduction, true color
3. Really restore the earth's surface landforms, vegetation cover, urban buildings, etc.
4. Can customize a variety of labels, lines, to meet customer needs
5. Suitable for making large-area, large-format, and complex information sandbox models.
Mountain geography sand table model
four. What are the application fields of mountain geography sand table model?
1. Land and Resources Surveying and Mapping: Comprehensive Land Resources Rehabilitation Planning, Land Surveying and Mapping, Planning Land Use, Land Use Status Survey and Land Dynamic Change Monitoring, Land Cover Information and Analysis, Land Development and Management
2. Urban planning and construction: urban (rural) planning and construction and change monitoring, urban expansion monitoring, and regional development
3. Transportation construction: highway planning and management, waterway, waterway, railway route planning and display
4. Military applications: rapid production of various types of high-precision military sandboxes, covering any country in the world, contour lines, command points, water systems, roads, etc. can be added as required
5. Exhibition hall display: in the museum (archaeological relics research), science and technology museum, exhibition hall, exhibition hall, corporate museum, according to different needs, design and produce various historical scenes, ancient cultural relics, nebula galaxy emerging technology products of high simulation sand table model
6. Educational model: the world, China's topographic landform sand table and the true color stereo model of common topography: Danxia, ??karst, coast, sea floor and other geography teaching equipment
7. Decorative sand table: enhance the sense of hierarchy of the office, add relevant elements such as road traffic, topography, vegetation coverage, mineral distribution, etc. according to the user's professional direction, which better reflects the professional quality of the user And culture.
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