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(时间:2020/3/11 10:58:48)
(3)实时图像与视频监控功能:农业物联网的基本概念是实现农业上作物与环境、土壤及肥力间的物物相联的关系网络,通过多维信息与多层次处理实现农作物的*生长环境调理及施肥管理。但是作为管理农业生产的人员而言,仅仅数值化的物物相联并不能完全营造作物*生长条件。视频与图像监控为物与物之间的关联提供了更直观的表达方式。就像哪里缺水了,在物联网单层数据上看仅仅能看到水分数据偏低。应该灌溉到什么程度也不能死搬硬套地仅仅根据这一个数据来作决策。因为农业生产环境的不均匀性决定了农业信息获取上的先天性弊端,而很难从单纯的技术手段上进行突破。视频监控的引用,直观地反映了农作物生产的实时状态,引入视频图像与图像处理,既可直观反映一些作物的生长长势,也可以侧面反映出作物生长的整体状态及营养水平。可以从整体上给农户提供更加科学的种植决策理论依据。 智慧农业是农业生产的高级阶段,农业沙盘是为农业发展提供支持,是集新兴的互联网、移动互联网、云计算和物联网技术为一体,依托部署在农业生产现场的各种传感节点(环境温湿度、土壤水分、二氧化碳、图像等)和无线通信网络实现农业生产环境的智能感知、智能预警、智能决策、智能分析、专家在线指导,为农业生产提供精准化种植、可视化管理、智能化决策。 智慧农业是云计算、传感网、3S等多种信息技术在农业中综合、全面的应用,实现更完备的信息化基础支撑、更透彻的农业信息感知、更集中的数据资源、更广泛的互联互通、更深入的智能控制、更贴心的公众服务。“智慧农业”与现代生物技术、种植技术等高新技术融合于一体,对建设世界水平农业具有重要意义。
The main functions of the model are as follows:
Sand table model of ecological agriculture (recommended reading: Hangzhou Jingwen sand table company)
(1) Monitoring function system: according to the plant growth environment information obtained by wireless network, such as monitoring soil moisture, soil temperature, air temperature, air humidity, light intensity, plant nutrient content and other parameters. Other parameters can also be selected, such as pH value, conductivity and so on. Information collection, responsible for receiving data, storage, display and data management from wireless sensor convergence node, realizing the acquisition, management, dynamic display and analysis of all base test point information to be displayed to users in the form of intuitive charts and curves, and according to the feedback of the above information, the agricultural park will be automatically irrigated, cooled, rolled and imported Apply liquid fertilizer and spray automatically.
(2) Monitoring function system: realize automatic information detection and control in the agricultural park, through the provision of wireless sensor nodes, solar power supply system, information collection and information routing equipment equipped with wireless sensor transmission system, each base point equipped with wireless sensor nodes, each wireless sensor node can monitor soil moisture, soil temperature, air temperature, air humidity, light intensity Plant nutrient content and other parameters. Provide all kinds of sound and light alarm information and SMS alarm information according to the needs of planting crops.
(3) Real time image and video monitoring function: the basic concept of the Agricultural Internet of things is to realize the relationship network between crops and environment, soil and fertility in agriculture, and realize the * growth environment conditioning and fertilization management of crops through multi-dimensional information and multi-level processing. However, as a person in charge of agricultural production, only the numerical combination of things can not completely create crop growth conditions. Video and image monitoring provide a more intuitive way of expression for the relationship between objects. Just like where there is water shortage, we can only see the low water content data in the single layer data of the Internet of things. To what extent should irrigation be carried out? It is not allowed to make decisions based on this data. Because the non-uniformity of agricultural production environment determines the inherent disadvantages of agricultural information acquisition, it is difficult to make a breakthrough from a simple technical means. The quotation of video monitoring can directly reflect the real-time state of crop production. The introduction of video image and image processing can not only directly reflect the growth trend of some crops, but also reflect the overall state and nutrition level of crop growth. It can provide farmers with more scientific theoretical basis for planting decision-making as a whole. Intelligent agriculture is the advanced stage of agricultural production. Agricultural sand table is to provide support for agricultural development. It integrates emerging Internet, mobile Internet, cloud computing and Internet of things technologies. It relies on various sensor nodes (environmental temperature and humidity, soil moisture, carbon dioxide, image, etc.) and wireless communication network deployed in the agricultural production site to realize the intelligent perception of agricultural production environment , intelligent early warning, intelligent decision-making, intelligent analysis, expert online guidance, to provide accurate planting, visual management, intelligent decision-making for agricultural production. Smart agriculture is a comprehensive and comprehensive application of cloud computing, sensor network, 3S and other information technologies in agriculture to realize more complete information-based support, more thorough agricultural information perception, more centralized data resources, more extensive interconnection, more in-depth intelligent control and more intimate public service. The integration of "smart agriculture" with modern biotechnology, planting technology and other high-tech is of great significance to the construction of world-class agriculture.
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