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(时间:2020/5/20 11:14:37)
不少展示企业在选择沙盘模型公司时,总是问公司:你家的沙盘模型看起来和别人家的差不多,为什么你这边卖这么贵呢? 其实,沙盘模型制作不光是只看外观的问题,还需要对展示项目进行融会贯通,把展示企业的中心思想表达在沙盘模型中,让沙盘模型自己说话。在中国,最不缺的就是临摹技术,沙盘模型制作的初衷是表达展示企业的展示项目,所以在定制沙盘模型时,看的沙盘模型展示方案,不能只看价格,更要看沙盘模型的品质、稳定性与服务水平。(推荐阅读:杭州景文建筑模型公司)
Many display companies always ask the company when they choose a sand table model company: the sand table model of your home looks similar to that of others, why are you selling it so expensive here? In fact, the production of the sand table model is not only a matter of looking at the appearance, but also needs to integrate the display project, express the central idea of ??the display enterprise in the sand table model, and let the sand table model speak for itself. In China, the most important thing is copying technology. The original intention of making sand table models is to express the display projects of the enterprises. , Stability and service level. (Recommended reading: Hangzhou Jingwen Architectural Model Company)
?Sand table model
?How do you choose between good and bad brands?
Many consumers know that when buying products, products with higher brand awareness are much better than second- and third-tier brands in terms of quality, experience, and service. Of course, this price is also much higher, because the brand awareness is accumulated after a long period of accumulation, so the price of the same product in the industry is much higher, and the higher price is used for the construction of the brand and the provision of products. service.
Quality is the life of enterprise development. This principle seems simple, but it is not so easy to do. After all, high quality must pay a high cost. Therefore, no matter in which industry, high-priced products must have high-quality prices.
Many corporate buyers believe that the model is just a display, the service is secondary, and the price is low to save money. It is not necessary to spend so much money to make a sand table model, but many companies have found that after the use of the cheap sand table model, various problems occur, such as dazzling lights affecting the viewing effect, as well as elevator failure, color difference, and terrain Line problems ... Various problems follow one after another. The brand's sand table model is strictly controlled in every process, such as material selection, production process, installation and debugging, to ensure that the sand table model is free of quality defects before it can be delivered to the enterprise for installation. This is difficult for low-priced sand table model brands.
?Sand table model
?How to choose between good service and poor service?
After many products are sold, the transaction is basically completed, but the sand table model used to display enterprise project information and corporate image is not the same. After the sale, not only the model needs to be quickly installed, but also regular maintenance, such as dust removal , Circuit maintenance, etc. The low-priced sand table model has a problem, but when finding a solution from the manufacturer, most businesses either find excuses to shirk their responsibility, or drag on and off, or even directly disappear.
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