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学校陈列馆都会放置校园建筑沙盘模型方便参观 |
(时间:2020/5/8 15:42:45) |
建筑沙盘模型根据不同的展示内容来进行确定展示主题,众所周知,主题有地产建筑沙盘模型、工业流程建筑沙盘模型、地形建筑沙盘模型、环保建筑沙盘模型等等。根据不同的展示内容来进行主题确认。那么问题来了,校园建筑沙盘模型来怎么确认制作的主题呢?杭州景文沙盘模型公司小编来总结校园建筑沙盘模型的常见主题样式。 校园建筑沙盘模型 校园规划沙盘 顾名思义,校园规划沙盘是展示校园未来规划。如校园周边、校园内部、学生宿舍、教学楼等方面的内容。主要应用于校园展示、校园投资方展示等 校园设计沙盘主要是对未来,是针对与校园项目进行建筑招标设计。主要针对的建筑方案,沙盘制作的目的是为了参与校园项目招标计划。 校园展示沙盘主要是校园为了便参观者进行快速了解校园全貌,进行快速的熟悉周边环境进行制作的沙盘。 校园建筑沙盘模型更多的为了展示校园规划与校园内部构造进行制作的沙盘。如一些著名的大学园区内展馆内我们就能看到,展示校园周边与内部结构的建筑沙盘模型存在。对于校园招标计划的沙盘主要是设计院进行招标的环节中进行使用的。 The construction sand table model determines the display theme according to different display contents. As we all know, the themes include real estate construction sand table model, industrial process construction sand table model, terrain construction sand table model, environmental protection construction sand table model and so on. Confirm the theme according to different display contents. So the question is coming, how to confirm the theme of the production of the sand table model of the campus building? The editor of Hangzhou Jingwen Sand Table Model Company summarizes the common theme styles of the campus building sand table model. Campus building sand table model Campus Planning Sand Table As the name suggests, the campus planning sand table is to show the future planning of the campus. Such as the surrounding campus, the campus, student dormitory, teaching building and other aspects. Mainly used in campus display, campus investor display, etc. The campus design sand table is mainly for the future, and is designed for the construction bidding with the campus project. The construction plan mainly aimed at, the purpose of sand table production is to participate in the bidding plan of the campus project. The campus display sand table is mainly for the campus to quickly understand the whole picture of the campus and quickly familiarize itself with the surrounding environment. The campus building sand table model is more of a sand table made to show the campus planning and campus internal structure. For example, we can see in the exhibition halls of some famous university parks that there are models of architectural sandboxes showing the surrounding and internal structure of the campus. The sand table for the campus bidding plan is mainly used in the bidding process of the design institute.